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EBAM invests opportunistically across evolving credit markets

  • Dynamic
    Dynamic Idea Generation

    EBAM's Investment Philosophy is rooted in leveraging dynamic opportunities in evolving credit markets to generate superior risk-adjusted returns. We focus on both public and private markets, targeting thematic credit and capital solutions.

  • Opportunistic
    Opportunistic Investment Platform

    By addressing disintermediation, fragmentation, undervaluation, disruption and volatility, we capitalize on opportunities across:

    • Idiosyncratic situations
    • Underserved and mispriced assets
    • Dislocated capital markets
  • Disciplined
    Disciplined, Consistent Approach

    Our comprehensive strategy aims to deliver consistent and compelling investment performance. We adapt swiftly to evolving markets while maintaining the highest standards of integrity and transparency. Through strong partnerships and a forward-thinking approach, we unlock value and drive growth in complex market situations.

Investment Platform

Alpha generation through identifying, sourcing, constructing and unlocking value across opportunities and markets.

Thematic Credit
  • Identify investments exhibiting material disconnect between underlying fundamentals versus risk, as implied by market technicals.
  • Seek opportunities with shorter duration and catalysts to drive returns.
Capital Solutions
  • Provide bespoke financings to companies exhibiting sound collateral and performance which may not have access to traditional sources of financing.
  • Build and structure lending facilities with features to protect and enhance creditor returns.

Investment Opportunities

EBAM invests opportunistically across evolving credit markets.

Investment opportunities diagram

EBAM Target Investment Themes

Dislocated Capital Markets

Exogenous factors, such as volatility or rating agency behavior, cause fundamentally sound assets to be impacted by market technicals.

Idiosyncratic Situations

Complex, scalable opportunities often overlooked due to niche nature or perceived risks, offering potential for substantial returns through specialized knowledge.

Underserved & Mispriced Assets

Fundamentally strong investments and markets that are undervalued or overlooked, offering significant upside potential.

Investment Process

Disciplined, scalable and proven investment process

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    Idea Generation

    Idea generation is performed in-house by investment professionals.

    Extensive experience and ability to identify and create value across repeatable, scalable themes.

    Overlay of macro environment with market supply/demand dynamics to identify key investment themes.

    Utilization of systems & analytics to allow for efficient and thorough screening of relevant markets.

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    Underwriting & Analysis

    Deep dive on each potential investment allows for identification of opportunities with attractive total return, current income and high margin of safety.

    Parameters are set for both return and margin of safety, which is crucial for sourcing stage of investment process.

    Analysis incorporates asset and liability underwriting as well as legal, documentation and jurisdictional due diligence.

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    Sourcing Capabilities

    Broad and diversified global network of relationships to identify, structure and source off-the-run investments in opaque and complex markets.

    Systematic and process-driven approach to identifying and executing thematic credit investment ideas.

    Strong collaborative partnerships with key market participants, enhancing deal flow and investment opportunities.

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    Portfolio Construction & Value Creation

    Top-down asset allocation based on relative value across asset classes, geographies and investment specific nuances.

    Focus on strong carry, appropriate downside protection and clear catalyst for return.

    Investment-level analysis incorporates asset and liability underwriting as well as legal, documentation and jurisdictional due diligence.

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    Risk Management & Surveillance

    Two-pronged approach to risk management combines:

    • Bottom-up fundamental analysis to quantifying risk of each investment.
    • Expected position drawdown and inter-positional co-drawdown across the portfolio.

    Approach allows for quantifying and controlling both fundamental margin of safety and technical behavior through stressed market environments.

    Key Benefits of EBAM's Opportunistic Credit Strategy


    Evolving market dynamics lead to a large and persistent opportunity set across trillions of dollars of public markets, with privatemarkets doubling the scope of potentially compelling investments.

    Diversified & Uncorrelated Asset Classes

    Vital component of investor portfolios, offering diversification and low correlation to traditional asset classes, while aiming to improve portfolio resilience and provide a stable return profile.

    Current Income

    Portfolio strives to consistently generate attractive annual current income, enhancing portfolio stability and fund liquidity profile.


    Ability to adapt to changing market conditions and seize emerging opportunities, utilizing creative and sophisticated financial structures to maximize returns and manage risks.

    Safety margin
    High Margin of Safety

    Target investments are either asset-or cash flow-backed and can withstand multiple years of GFC-type defaults before experiencing any impairment.


    Engage in active thematic credit opportunities across both primary and secondary markets, featuring a diverse array of issuers, investors, and broker/dealer participants.